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Lakanto products are becoming a staple for many lifestyles – Diabetic, Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Low Glycemic, Gluten Free, LCHF, Plant-based etc. They are ideal for customers looking for a natural sugar replacement without a bitter aftertaste that won’t spike their blood sugar! Learn how to get them into your business easily and quickly.

"As a Japanese owned and operated manufacturer, we are one of a few producers of Monk Fruit Extract in the world. You will find our extract to be of premium quality, consistent sweetness, taste, and colour from each batch. We have a zero emission and eco-friendly Monk Fruit processing facility and farms in Guilin. We also have the lowest chemical content in our extract due to our extensive measures to control pesticides and chemicals in the water and soil. Lakanto controls the entire supply chain which is a more transparent food supply for your consumers and a better price for you."

Lakanto Australia
A Division of Saraya Australia
19 Saggart Field Road, Minto, NSW 2566, Australia

Phone: 1300 525 268
Email: wellbeing@lakanto.com.au